Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Olivia here, I know some of you have asked for pictures. I will warn you that some of these that I'm going to post are a little graphic. Not super gross or anything,  but not the best looking pictures. I'm going to show you what the lack of circulation did to his foot once it got stubbed. Like Lily said, it progressed so fast I really couldn't believe it myself! You know we were all sitting in the hospital one day, Lily, dad and I, when the nurse came in to change the dressing on his foot. (They had his toes all wrapped up.) I got up to take pictures for our records, (at the time Lily and I were thinking about bringing the misdiagnosis up to a review board for Jewish Hospital) and dad asked to see the pictures.When he saw it dad looked at them and made a face. He said "Well that doesn't look good does it?" I said naw... but it looked kinda cool... he looked at me like I was crazy and asked "cool?!" and I said, yeah they kinda look all zombified and stuff... daddy you have zombie toes!! I don't think I've heard dad laugh like that in a long while. So the blog was born, and it was a no brainer what to name it.... I even asked dad and he loved it!  Peace! 

This is his other foot, the good one that has good  circulation

This is how it all started, a stubbed toe. It turned black only a day after he did it.
Super fast!!

Us visiting Dad before I had to go to work. 

The beginning of the zombie toes. They got super black and began to shrivel a little.

Dad :) Love this picture!
When Dad got the stitches out

The LPN taking out his stitches from his amputation.

after amputation

Toes before they got all black. They began to bubble and fill
with liquid. 

His scar from the second bypass surgery.

Zombified Toes.... Hence the name.

One more before it got really bad.